“Scam guru”…
Along with “you're sick,” “you ar mad,” and “yours are the stupidest reflections I've ever heard.”
are the career awards I receive now on a daily basis.
And do you know why?
Because I dare to be different (or just myself).
I dare to be ironic about the status quo.
I dare to disobey the rules.
I dare to question morality, ethics and social norms.
And it's okay for me to receive insults, because after all, what I write hurts.
And so many people feel that they are being personally challenged.
And while it is sad that a person is insulted just for having a different view of things than others.
On the other hand, these behaviors only reinforce what I have been thinking for years.
And that is that we are slaves.
Slaves to social and behavioral norms that do not belong to us, but which we respect without question.
Slaves of moral and ethical values that no one ever dares to question, despite the fact that none of us has ever really chosen them.
Slaves to sacred dogmas such as working hard, the common good, freedom that ends where others' begins…. Which we take as cornerstones--without even wondering what they really mean.
The problem with our society is that no one ever questions the pillars on which society itself is built.
But how can we really be free to be ourselves if we base our choices and behavior on something we have not consciously chosen?
Every choice we make, every behavior we engage in, is the child of values that we believe are our own, but which are actually values that we have absorbed from the culture in which we grew up.
And until we realize and question them, we will always be convinced that we are choosing for ourselves, when we are not.
Whenever I write these things, the comment is always the same: “you need rules to live in society.”
But the funny thing is that I have never said to live without rules.
I simply say to question the rules.
Because if we really want to know ourselves and live a life aligned with who we are, we cannot take for granted rules that we did not choose.
If morality says I can only have one wife, but my wife and I are also fine with a third person in the relationship?
I have to be free to choose what makes me feel good, not what someone said was moral.
Is it easy to live like this?
NO! It is very difficult.
It is so difficult because there is no longer black and white.
There is no longer good and evil.
There is no longer a moral and an immoral. An ethical and an unethical.
There is only you with TOTAL responsibility for your choices.
There is only you and your personal line between good and evil.
Around this I've created an art project, called “The Thin Line Between Light and Dark.”
if the concept fascinated you, I think you will find the project very interesting.
You can find the project here: let me know what thoughts it has sparked in you… or if I really am just yet another scam guru!
Challenge the ordinary, embrace the unusual. Always.
I am Emanuele “Renton” Fortunati, a spiritual and esoteric researcher: art is the laboratory where I carry out my experiments.
My aim is to reveal the connections between the spiritual and material worlds, because I believe that the essence of every Human Being is hidden right at the border between these two worlds.
What moves me is the idea that in each of us there exists a raw identity, free from social and cultural conditioning, and that if we expand our knowledge of ourselves and the reality around us enough, we can finally be free to embrace this true identity of ours. Our essence precisely.
And, thus, also be free to live according to our inclinations and create our own personal and unique life path.
Over the years I have realized that it takes 2 “steps” to find one's Essence.
The first step is to begin to disobey: abandon social rules and conditioning that prevent you from living according to your true nature.
The second step is to find your own Spiritual Identity: it is the only way you can really shine, and be a beacon for others around YOU as well.
Here it is: if my art revolves entirely around this second point, these pages, on the other hand, tell how I personally live both the spiritual quest and disobedience, with the idea that these shares can somehow come in handy for YOU and your Path as well.
Here you can find food for thought, texts that expand on my art projects and behind the scenes of my works and projects. And also a little (a lot) of healthy disobedience!